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The Most Beautiful Thing a Woman Can Wear is Confidence

Tanny Garcia, Founder

The Born Worthy Collective

Your worth is not a trophy you hustle to get at the end of the day after putting in 110%. Your existence here on earth deems you worthy of love, connection and belonging. 

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Ways to enhance your Self Worth

Don’t set prerequisites for being worthy—for example, “I’ll be good enough once I’ve paid off all my debts” or “I’ll be good enough once I’ve got a college degree.” You don’t need to meet these arbitrary requirements to be worthy because you’re enough as you are, today. 

Accept Yourself Unconditionally

You’re worthy as you are, no matter how well you “fit in” or what anyone else thinks. 

Abandon the idea that to be “enough,” you need to fit societal standards or other people’s expectations. 

Your worthiness isn’t rooted in your actions—for example, succeeding at work or making lots of friends. Who you are, not what you do, is at the center of your worth. 

Reject the notion that you need to earn self-worth by proving yourself or pleasing others.

During her research, Brown found that it’s impossible to fully experience love or belonging until you’ve cultivated worthiness. People with a lack of self-worth often believe that they don’t deserve to belong or receive love, and when we feel we don’t deserve something, we reject it.  

Believe that you deserve love and belonging. 

This is considered reflection and it is when you intentionally recall and appreciate how far you've come, how much progress you've made and internalizing it. 

Remind yourself of your accomplishments

You'd be surprise the number of people who feel unworthy and believe that they are not valuable. This can be manifested as withdrawal and avoiding others but it can also be manifested as outgoing and needed external validation. Please remember that you are not alone.

Acknowledge that you are not alone


Brene' Brown

Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly is about being vulnerable, living wholeheartedly, and showing up as our authentic selves in the face of uncertainty, doubt, and not knowing. It's courageously loving and being loved and putting ourselves and our creations out there despite the risk of rejection.

Brene' Brown

The Gifts of Imperfection

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown is a guide to embracing imperfections and living wholeheartedly. It helps readers cultivate courage, compassion, and connection by letting go of the need for perfection.

Elaine Welteroth

More Than Enough

More Than Enough discusses race, identity, love, friendship, taking up space as a Black woman in a predominantly white workplace, and the meaning of success. As a change maker and young boss, Welteroth reminds young Black girls and women that they are, indeed, more than enough.

Keah Brown

The Pretty One

The Pretty One is powerful guide for change. A millennial African-American writer with cerebral palsy, Brown wants us to know her as a multi-faceted person with a disability, who is deeply interested in movies, television and music. As an activist, she works to replace outdated stereotypes about the disabled community and people of color, and help the world see them as the multi-faceted human beings they are. The Pretty One is her story from self-loathing to self-love. 

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